

Our partners


・KOMMAND -  Market Intelligence - Due diligence - International Development

Control of risks linked to market uncertainties (market research, identification of partners and opportunities, due diligence and investigations, assistance in business establishement projects).

LPO / Logistique Porte Océane - Freight and customs agent

Technical support in the import and export of goods (customs duties, transport, logistics).

・Anteac - Insurance appraiser for injured parties

Technical support in the area of fire, destruction of machinery and operating losses.

・Fidag - Accountant - Auditor

Technical support in accounting under establishment projects of foreign companies in France or the execution of international contracts.

・Alain Sohn - Architect and insurance appraiser for injured parties

Technical support in construction and town planning matters (joint or court-ordered expert assessments, administrative authorisation procedures for works, etc.).


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